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17 May 2024



Michele Bains for Harpar's Bazaar Vietnam

The magazine was founded based in Ho Chi Minh City on June 27, 2011, the Vietnamese version of Harper's Bazaar is called Phong cách Harper's Bazaar as a result of merging Harper's Bazaar and Phong cách. 

Starting 2012, Harper's Bazaar Vietnam launched an enhanced iPad edition, an official YouTube channel and an official fan page on Facebook. Harper's Bazaar Vietnam was also a co-sponsor of the first season of Project Runway Vietnam.

In 2014, Harper's Bazaar Vietnam launched its website. Harper's Bazaar Vietnam was first published based in Ho Chi Minh City on June 27, 2011. Since its debut in Ho Chi Minh City, its slogan and tagline is Vietnam's No. 1 Fashion Magazine.

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